Wireshark TS FTP 传输失败问题解决(wireshark过滤源mac地址)干货满满

随心笔谈2年前发布 编辑
173 0
🌐 经济型:买域名、轻量云服务器、用途:游戏 网站等 《腾讯云》特点:特价机便宜 适合初学者用 点我优惠购买
🚀 拓展型:买域名、轻量云服务器、用途:游戏 网站等 《阿里云》特点:中档服务器便宜 域名备案事多 点我优惠购买
🛡️ 稳定型:买域名、轻量云服务器、用途:游戏 网站等 《西部数码》 特点:比上两家略贵但是稳定性超好事也少 点我优惠购买

λ capinfos FTPFinal.pcap
File name: FTPFinal.pcap
File type: Wireshark/tcpdump/… – pcap
File encapsulation: Ethernet
File timestamp precision: microseconds (6)
Packet size limit: file hdr: 65535 bytes
Packet size limit: inferred: 69 bytes
Number of packets: 44
File size: 3710 bytes
Data size: 3555 bytes
Capture duration: 34.493422 seconds
First packet time: 2007-03-22 04:37:11.513913
Last packet time: 2007-03-22 04:37:46.007335
Data byte rate: 103 bytes/s
Data bit rate: 824 bits/s
Average packet size: 80.80 bytes
Average packet rate: 1 packets/s
SHA256: 36512b444dacb061e0d8a661923f1323d0c778131bedaa7bbd5b2ab810e9a09f
RIPEMD160: 3e14f2dd481632867eba14503a24e92b316b5caf
SHA1: 771e45893504af381de89ba6b047b5cd3fa554fd
Strict time order: True
Number of interfaces in file: 1
Interface #0 info:
Encapsulation=Ethernet (1 – ether)
Capture length=65535
Time precision=microseconds (6)
Time ticks per second=1000000
Number of stat entries=0
Number of packets=44

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