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Vector Database built for enterprise Zilliz vector database management system - fully managed Milvus - supports billion-scale vector search and is trusted by over 1000 enterprise users.
Leap AI Leap AI通过其自动化工具,帮助营销团队更高效地将视频内容转化为文本内容,提升内容营销的覆盖面和效果。Create content, generate leads, and run campaigns at scale—just like the big companies do, but with the agility of a small team.
燧原科技 燧原科技专注人工智能领域云端和边缘算力产品,致力为通用人工智能打造算力底座,提供原始创新、具备自主知识产权的AI加速卡、系统集群和软硬件解决方案。凭借其高算力、 高能效比的创新架构和高效易用的软件平台,产品可广泛应用于泛互联网、智算中心、智慧城市,智慧金融、科学计算、自动驾驶等多个行业和场景。
Outset Get the depth of qualitative interviews at the speed and scale of a survey. Make better, faster decisions for your business with the power of AI-moderated research.