Fluent Fluent is an AI-powered, text-to-SQL solution that provides a conversational layer over your structured data for on-demand data insights, deep dives and dashboards.
AI代码生成GitHub Github的AI代码生成工具GitHub is where over 100 million developers shape the future of software, together. Contribute to the open source community, manage your Git repositories, review code like a pro, track bugs and features, power your CI/CD and DevOps workflows, and secure code before you commit it.
Knowmax Make your knowledge work for you with instant access to accurate knowledge across touchpoints with Knowmax. Get your demo today!
AI设计系统 MasterGo/莫高设计是AI时代企业级产品设计平台,贯穿产品设计研发的全链条在线协作工具,是可协作的在线sketch、国内版figma,提供在线产品设计、原型图制作设计、网页开发设计、产品交互设计、UI和UX设计工具等功能,支持多人实时协作,可快速搭建设计系统,为产品设计师、交互设计师、工程师以及产品经理提供更简单灵活的工作模式。
Magick Experience the power of advanced AI at your fingertips, no code required. With our comprehensive toolkit, effortlessly build, deploy, maintain, and scale your AI agents, bots, and applications to new heights.
Avanty Avanty is a Chrome extension that helps data analysts in Metabase to write, edit, understand and comment SQL queries faster.