超办AI开启智能办公新时代AI聊天、写作、工作助手尽在掌握 超办AI,您的高效办公助手,助力提升工作效率。我们具备强大的办公处理能力,能轻松应对各类文档工作。同时我们还能通过聊天功能,实时解答疑问,提供个性化建议。让超办AI成为您职场生涯的得力助手,助您轻松应对工作挑战,享受高效、愉快的办公生活。
Antiverse: Designing Antibodies For Challenging Targets 我们使用机器学习来设计针对困难目标(例如GPCR和离子通道)的新型抗体。 Solving unmet needs in antibody discovery using machine learning. We exist to bring new therapies to patients and save lives.
Convai Conversational AI based service for games, metaverse, xr and more, to bring your characters to life.
VEED.IO VEEDAI游戏生成器是一个多功能的AlI工具,它通过文本到图像的转换技术,帮助游戏开发者快速获取游戏设计和营销的视觉素材。 Free AI video editor with text to video, avatars, auto-subtitles, voice translations and more. Record, edit and share your videos online with VEED.
Generate ads in seconds with AI 利用AI的最新进展来推动更多销售并为您的企业建立品牌知名度。您仍然可以完全控制。 Beautiful, brand-consistent, and highly converting ads for all marketing channels. No design experience needed.