后摩智能科技有限公司 后摩智能创立于2020年,由吴强博士与多位国际顶尖学者和芯片工业界资深专家联合组建,是全球存算一体智驾芯片的先行者。基于先进的存算一体技术和存储工艺,后摩智能致力于突破芯片的性能与功耗瓶颈,加速智能驾驶技术的普惠落地。其提供的大算力、高能效比芯片及解决方案,可应用于智能驾驶、泛机器人等场景。 后摩智能旨在用颠覆性技术去打造极致芯片,满足真正的人工智能时代极致效能的需求,实现万物智能。
Lunit Lunit develops AI solutions that detect early-stage cancer and optimize cancer treatment for saving lives through technology.
Convai Conversational AI based service for games, metaverse, xr and more, to bring your characters to life.
Peech Peech是一个为营销团队设计的生成式Al视频平台,允许他们快速轻松地创建高质量和吸引人的视频。它具有自动编辑过程、用于内容管理的智能库、自动生成的字幕、可定制的品牌元素、重... Peech | the ultimate AI video platform for marketers. Streamline video editing and optimize content marketing with our advanced NLP technology. Generate endless HQ branded videos to amplify your marketing efforts, aligning with your publishing strategy for a competitive edge.
Meshy Meshy作为一个创新的Al 3D模型生成器,通过其强大的Al技术,为用户提供了一个快速、简单且高效的3D创作解决方案。无论是专业的3D艺术家还是初学者,都能利用Meshy轻松创作出逼真的.... Meshy is a 3D AI toolkit that helps to effortlessly transform text or images into 3D models in minutes.