BOSS AI — 企业私有化AI工作平台 基于企业私有数据训练专属AI大模型,定制专属AI团队,提供企业AI系统解决方案。支持部署App、网站、公众号、企业微信等第三方平台,降低企业人工成本提高经营效益
Instance AI Instance AI enables realistic conversations with any selected LinkedIn profile, offering real-time feedback to enhance your interaction.
HeyGen国外AI数字人生成 HeyGen国外AI数字人生成Make videos as simply as making PowerPoints. HeyGen is an online video tool with AI talking avatar that unleash people's creativity by removing the costly barriers of traditional video shooting and editing process. With HeyGen, you can create an AI spokesperson video in minutes for corporate training, online learning, explainer videos, e-commerce campaign and much more!
LinkFoxAI LinkFox是领克狐科技专为跨境电商提供的AI工具,AI 模特,真人体感,节省 90% 成本为跨境卖家提供AI模特/商品图模特/AI穿衣/换脸以及各种做图/场景图等AI工具服务,为中国百万跨境卖家降本增效。
TENONAI TENONAI是一款创新的面试辅助工具,通过强大的Al大模型,为大学生提供真实的面试模拟体验和个性化评分。TENON Al的智能面试官会根据不同的职位和行业,模拟出各种面试场景和问题... Tenon AI Interviewer