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Lightning AI The all-in-one platform for AI development. Code together. Prototype. Train. Scale. Serve. From your browser - with zero setup. From the creators of PyTorch Lightning.
面试教练Home of most advanced job coach 虚拟面试教练平台面试教练(Job lnterview Coach)是一个专门设计的在线平台,旨在帮助个人通过提供高级面试辅导来准备面试并在面试中取得成功。 We will give you all the tools, training and confidence, so when next job interview will come, you will ACE it on the first try.
Generate:Biomedicines 我们正在开拓生成生物学领域:一种革命性的药物开发方法,使我们能够首次对基于蛋白质的模式进行编程。 生成生物学只有通过科学学科的真正整合才有可能。我们是一个由机器学习、生物工程和医学领域的跨学科专家组成的紧密团队,每个人都精通彼此的领域,共同努力创造一个新的领域。 Generate Biomedicines is a new kind of therapeutics company—existing at the intersection of biology, machine learning, and biological engineering.