Legal Robot Legal Robot提供通过自动分析您的法律文档与其他法律文档和判例法之间的关系而生成的信息。我们还提供语言和统计分析,帮助您了解法律文档中的潜在问题。 Know what you sign. Legal Robot uses machine learning to understand contracts. Snap a picture for instant analysis and write better contracts using AI.
扣子AI Coze大模型 扣子是新一代 AI 大模型智能体开发平台。整合了插件、长短期记忆、工作流、卡片等丰富能力,扣子能帮你低门槛、快速搭建个性化或具备商业价值的智能体,并发布到豆包、飞书等各个平台。
Magick Experience the power of advanced AI at your fingertips, no code required. With our comprehensive toolkit, effortlessly build, deploy, maintain, and scale your AI agents, bots, and applications to new heights.
小浣熊家族 Raccoon Raccoon - Another Comprehensive CO-pilOt Navigator | Raccoon是基于商汤自研大语言模型的智能助手,包含代码助手、办公助手,满足用户代码编写、数据分析、编程学习等各类需求。