
随心笔谈2周前发布 admin
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🌐 经济型:买域名、轻量云服务器、用途:游戏 网站等 《腾讯云》特点:特价机便宜 适合初学者用 点我优惠购买
🚀 拓展型:买域名、轻量云服务器、用途:游戏 网站等 《阿里云》特点:中档服务器便宜 域名备案事多 点我优惠购买
🛡️ 稳定型:买域名、轻量云服务器、用途:游戏 网站等 《西部数码》 特点:比上两家略贵但是稳定性超好事也少 点我优惠购买


# Author :CaoJiangfeng

# Date:2011-09-28

# Version :1.0

use warnings;

use strict;

my %hash;

my $script=$0; # Get the script name

sub usage



        printf(“perl $script <source_file> <dest_file>\n”);


# If the number of parameters less than 2 ,exit the script

if ( $#ARGV+1 < 2) {


        exit 0;


my $source_file=$ARGV[0]; #File need to remove duplicate rows

my $dest_file=$ARGV[1]; # File after remove duplicates rows

open (FILE,”<$source_file”) or die “Cannot open file $!\n”;

open (SORTED,”>$dest_file”) or die “Cannot open file $!\n”;

while(defined (my $line=))



        $hash{$line} +=1;

        # print “$line,$hash{$line}\n”;


foreach my $k (keys %hash) {

        print SORTED “$k,$hash{$k}\n”;#改行打印出列和该列出现的次数到目标文件


close (FILE);

close (SORTED);

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