OctokitOctokit is an all-in-one customize online tool for agencies that provides latest creative marketing techs like AR Filter, Mini Game...
GGPredict.io提高你的CS:技能的力量Al-gen... We see the world of eSports from an analytical perspective. Analyze. Train. IMPROVE!
HELIOPOLIS BIOTECHOur research focuses on de novo protein design with the final goal of developing novel and effective therapeutics.
讯飞医疗 科大讯飞医疗 讯飞晓医 讯飞星火医疗大模型 讯飞医疗科技股份有限公司(以下简称讯飞医疗)是科大讯飞的子公司,成立于2016年。讯飞医疗坚持“用人工智能服务健康中国”,致力于将人工智能技术与医疗行业深度融合,打造人工智能+医疗的新蓝海,推动健康医疗产业发展,助力国家医改政策的落实。
面试教练Home of most advanced job coach虚拟面试教练平台面试教练(Job lnterview Coach)是一个专门设计的在线平台,旨在帮助个人通过提供高级面试辅导来准备面试并在面试中取得成功。 We will give you all the tools, training and confidence, so when next job interview will come, you will ACE it on the first try.