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LunitLunit develops AI solutions that detect early-stage cancer and optimize cancer treatment for saving lives through technology.
Generate:Biomedicines我们正在开拓生成生物学领域:一种革命性的药物开发方法,使我们能够首次对基于蛋白质的模式进行编程。 生成生物学只有通过科学学科的真正整合才有可能。我们是一个由机器学习、生物工程和医学领域的跨学科专家组成的紧密团队,每个人都精通彼此的领域,共同努力创造一个新的领域。 Generate Biomedicines is a new kind of therapeutics company—existing at the intersection of biology, machine learning, and biological engineering.
Generate ads in seconds with AI利用AI的最新进展来推动更多销售并为您的企业建立品牌知名度。您仍然可以完全控制。 Beautiful, brand-consistent, and highly converting ads for all marketing channels. No design experience needed.
AI motion capture and 3D scene design with RADiCALRADiCAL 提供了一个创新的解决方案,结合了3D设计和AI动作捕捉技术,使用户能够在一个基于浏览器的环境中轻松创建和编辑3D模型及其动作。Create animation from video to 3D with RADiCAL's AI motion capture solution, and design scenes and environments in real-time.
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