Syngents一个提供多种人工智能服务的平台智体平台,面向职场人员的一站式AI agents平台,为每个人打造个人智能超级助理、面向场景的专业级AI助理、通用AGI免费基础课程。面向企业的智能营销、智能客服、智能销售、AI培训行业领先解决方案和根据企业业务专属定制服务。
Algolia -领先的 AI 搜索引擎Enterprises and developers use Algolia’s AI search infrastructure to understand users and show them what they’re looking for.
PackPackPackPack is an AI-driven bookmark management tool tailored for saving content from online resources like news and social media. It utilizes AI to clean and save content.Transform the way you manage bookmarks and handle your collections more intelligently.