LunitLunit develops AI solutions that detect early-stage cancer and optimize cancer treatment for saving lives through technology.
Cascadeur一款独立的3D动画软件Cascadeur is a standalone software for 3D keyframe animation of humanoids or other characters. Never before making animation from scratch or editing one has been so easy and fun. Thanks to its AI-assisted tools, you can make key poses really fast, instantly see the physical results and adjust secondary motion. All while retaining full control at any point.
音视频内容 AI 一键总结丨BibiGPT 学习助理AI 音视频一键总结与对话,轻松学习哔哩哔哩丨YouTube丨本地视频丨本地音频丨播客丨小红书丨抖音丨会议丨讲座丨网页等任意内容。BibiGPT 致力于成为你的最佳 AI 知行助理,让你的视频看得快、搜得到、用得好!支持免费试用!(原 BiliGPT 省流神器 & AI 课代表)(支持移动端微信助理、iOS 快捷指令)